La Brea Pitch Lake - 8th Wonder of the world

La Brea's pitch lake the largest natural asphalt deposit in the world. Known to cure many skin conditions and join pains, visitors are encouraged to bathe in the 75 meter deep, sulphur rich pools.

Legend says the Amerindian people called it 'piche' and believed the lake swallowed a tribe because they ate hummingbirds. Thus it was created as punishment by the Gods and many Amerindian artifacts have surfaced which are on display at the museum. Another says two lovers from different Amerindian tribes could not bear to be apart so after the girl left the La Brea tribe to be with her prince. The father's tribe sought to return his daughter and battle the Cumana tribe but this angered an Arawak God that sucked the tribe into the earth, replacing it with pitch. (Watch nah that have me rolling like an episode of those Indian soap opera my mother does watch every week)

It was concluded that the Spanish began refining it in 1782 calling it "Tierra de Brea" which translates to "land of pitch" and that is how its name came about.

Trinidad provides asphalt to many international countries including the paving of the roadway in Buckingham Palace, England (we used to be British ruled in the past before our independence in 1962).

The scenery is picturesque despite being an asphalt lake, filled with lilies, water roses and native fauna.

What do you think of this natural occurring asphalt deposit? Do you believe in the fables?

Photos by Destination TnT here


  1. Thanks Prasanna.. Who say Road Trip!!

  2. Is this very far from the city?

    1. It's about a 2 hour drive from Port of Spain (with traffic) about an hour and a half on a weekend but definitely worth it. You can get a lot of local East Indian delicacies in Siparia and Debe. You can still get aloo pies (fried flour pies with potato stuffing) for TT $2 in Debe!


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