The Green Market - Santa Cruz - 3rd Annual Pineapple Festival
By now I don't think the Green Market is a stranger on anybody's lips. (But just in case yuh ain't out dey). This wonderful, bustling market operates like a loving, tight knit family, supporting local organic farmers for both fresh produce and cooked foods.
The 3rd annual Pineapple festival, by the name alone featured lots of homegrown produce and food varieties that were sure to please. Their Instagram page is very active and posts updates regularly so make sure to follow for cool events in the future (I plan to attend their first Coffee day on 17 Jun 2017, doh tell my teachers I breaking biche).
Now, I've been to the market many times before. All of the vendors are friendly and welcoming, (Meh favorite is that Venezulan lady, oh gad them arepas and pulled pork does lash). Another crowd pleaser is the chow man, Brian, carefully blending spices and hot peppers to present a visually appealing bowl of chow...mmm a real Trini delight!
Admission is free, and they promote a sustainable, healthy lifestyle with their vendors and by asking patrons to bring along their reusable containers and bags to reduce paper and plastic wastage. Talk about niceness!
All in all, the atmosphere has a really nice vibe. Sometimes they even feature live local artists while you browse so you can enjoy your purchases with entertainment in the lush green area of Santa Cruz. (Ent I tell yuh they does move like family)
All in all, the atmosphere has a really nice vibe. Sometimes they even feature live local artists while you browse so you can enjoy your purchases with entertainment in the lush green area of Santa Cruz. (Ent I tell yuh they does move like family)
Are you excited for next year? Let's talk about that 4 headed pineapple though...
I don't believe there's a whole festival dedicated to just pineapples. I visit now and then but had no idea they do this. Thanks for the update!
ReplyDeleteYes sir! There's many depending on local seasonal fruits and veggies. Sat Jul 29 is the Avocado and Breadfruit festival. Make sure to sneak a visit!