Turure Watersteps - Cumaca with Outdoor TT

Ready for an adventure? 
Turure Watersteps is located in Cumaca, east of the island of Trinidad and requires a 45 minute trek to get to the limestone steps and glistening pools. I did this hike with a nature group called Outdoor TT which wasn't my first time with them. The team is really friendly and takes good care of both their experienced and first time hikers. 

The trek was rated a 3/10 on the website but I'd admit it was a little more engaging than I anticipated. A lot of hilly climbs and three streams to walk through before reaching the base of the steps. (Watch nah, you shoulda see yuh girl in action, climbing rocks and holding on to tree branches like a monkey). 

The streams are shallow, in case you were wondering not reaching past knee height. When we got to the base I was pretty disappointed at first. (All that hiking, for this little piece ah ting? NAH!) The guides told us there are taller steps and deeper pools if we dared to climb the natural occurring limestone steps, (so of course yuh girl wanted to show off and pose up at the top). 

Surprisingly the climb was extremely easy, as we were instructed to walk/climb on the limestone where the water was running. In my mind, I thought this to be counter productive and I was wondering if they were making fun at newbies to see if we'd slip and fall but they were actually right! Who knew?

We got to the top and sure enough the view was breathtaking. A bit tired after all of that exertion we decided to find a cool spot in a shallow pool to relax, have a light lunch and mingle with the other hikers.

Sadly, I was unable to take photos since I don't own a waterproof camera but trust me when I say this was worth it. (I forgot to mention that mountain river water was cold!!)

I'll be posting another hike to Mermaid pools in another post. I actually ended up on their Instagram page (about to coast on that celebrity life, don't you know who I think I am? LOL)

Photos by Bruce Nisha/Outdoor TT website: here


  1. Looks really amazing, will definitely take a road trip there

    1. Make sure to pack a light lunch and snacks. The trek is engaging but doable!


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