Galera Point - Toco Lighthouse

Photo by Tarique Eastman. Here

I had the absolute pleasure of visiting this marvelous site recently and my only regret is leaving my phone in the car (in case I dropped it into the ocean) as there were many breathtaking views of the Atlantic and Caribbean ocean.

Completed in October of 1867 and then officially opened in 1897, the lighthouse today is a sublime park and picnic area to relax with loved ones or family. 

Incidentally historians believe Punta Galera now Galera point was a slight corruption of the word galea which was given to the southern Galetota Point by Christopher Columbus. The name stuck even though it was given accidentally and now remains a popular outdoor destination.  

Situated just 35km away from the sister isle of Tobago, Toco traditionally was unsuitable for sugar cane production unlike many parts of the country. However, it did prove to be suitable for cotton production. At the time there were no main roads connecting the district and as such they relied on a ferry service to facilitate trade of cocoa other goods. 

While in recent times a main road has been constructed and it is fairly easy to get to Galera Point, the journey is a bit lengthy so make sure to pack food and snacks to enjoy when you get there but rest assured there are many supermarkets and food places on the way. 

What do you think? Will you visit the lighthouse anytime soon?

Photos taken from Tripadvisor user reviews here and Tarique Eastman Instagram profile here


  1. Oh this place is as beautiful as I remember! I did my engagement photoshoot here!

    1. Wow I'm sure those photos were wonderful memories. Congrats Kandice!


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