Trinidad and Tobago Film Festival
The Trinidad and Tobago Film festival is a robust accumulation of local and international short films and full length movies that appeal to all. Personally, I've been attending these festivals since our school at CAPE level suggested we view the screenings for the French and Spanish movies to help with our accents and fluency. To date, it's still an event I eagerly await and attend.
The film festival has a strong presence at the University of the West Indies St. Augustine Campus as many aspiring local screenwriters and actors follow the festival closely in partnership with the Centre for Language Learning (CLL). The local films tackle many cultural issues, current and past issues that sough to shape the country we know today in addition to emerging issues that affect the diaspora.
The other foreign language films give the viewer a new perspective on cultures and issues worldwide. (They are accompanied by subtitles, so no worries). However, don't expect your usual cinema blockbuster, most of these films are definitely emotional whereas many are comedic.
Do you think you have what it takes to submit your feature film? Submissions are welcomed and encouraged.
Check out the official websire for dates but it's running from Sept 19-26 for 2017
Sounds interesting! Can't wait to see what they have lined up