On d Avenue lime

Photo by Trevette Ramlakhan here On a regular work day Ariapita Avenue is business as usual serving customers and provides a quick lunch stop for many persons working in the Port of Spain area but by night, it comes alive as one of the most exciting things to do. As you may know by now, Trinis love a lime and trust me when I say we don't let things like a silly weekday stop that. I'll tell you something ; the avenue is open every week night. Yes, I said week night because we know how to go to work, take a power nap, reach a party and make it to work the next day normal. This is the land of party and vibes. Situated near the capital city, the avenue is packed with bars and lounges to cater to every budget. Local 'rumshops' for cheap beer and alcohol and fancy or 'stush' lounges that charge cover fees for entry (without drinks, lawd a mercy). Photo by Stephanie Lalla here A popular habit is to go bar hopping usually from 10pm on til...